As Told by the Stars
Release Date
Updated Date
Buffs at max level
Unit Effects
Increase HP (10%) - sub : (8%)
Increase Critical Rate (15) - sub : (7)
Increase pierce ATK (20) - sub : (10)
Party Effects
Increase ATK (60%) - sub : (30%)
Increase SPR (12) - sub : (6)
Increase AGI (15%) - sub : (7%)
Activated only on arena map
Increase Critical Damage (15) - sub : (7)
 An astrologer does not gaze upon the stars to discern their messages—they listen to the faint, unique voice of each light. These voices, however, often speak even when one does not wish to hear. Ramada has heard many ominous whispers over her lifetime. And until now, she has not divulged these warnings to her allies unless asked. She has not had to—for time and again, she and her friends have managed to avert the grim fates foretold for them. No doubt it is lonely, though, to grapple with the dark murmurs of the stars in solitary silence. No one knows the true nature of the voices from the stars. Like to astrologers, a voice that cannot be placed speaks to the oracles; who owns this voice and from whence it issues, none can say. But one thing is invariably true: its utterances always contain the word "lectura."