Gullwings' Merry Maker
Release Date
Updated Date
Buffs at max level
Unit Effects
Increase ATK (20%) - sub : (10%)
Increase Accuracy (8) - sub : (4)
Increase Critical Damage (10) - sub : (5)
Increase Critical Rate (10) - sub : (5)
Party Effects
Increase Evasion Rate (24) - sub : (12)
Increase AGI (12%) - sub : (6%)
Increase slash ATK (35) - sub : (17)
Activated only on guild map
Increase Acquired AP (30%) - sub : (24%)
 The lively young Al Bhed girl. Daughter of Cid, the leader of the Al Bhed, and little sister to Brother, she is also a cousin to Yuna on the summoner's mother's side. Rikku previously served as Yuna's youngest guardian during her pilgrimage two years prior, where she gave her all in search of a way to carry out their mission without having to sacrifice Yuna's life. After the onset of the Eternal Calm, she traveled across Spira with her fellow Al Bhed to spread their mechanical knowledge. In the wake of the "truth" movement, she changed course, founding the Gullwings sphere hunter organization with her brother. Eventually, she roused Yuna from her lethargy and persuaded her to leave Besaid and join the Gullwings.
The official "merry maker" of the Gullwings, her vivaciousness and unreliable intuition can cause problems for the group on occasion, but her boundless optimism, even in the face of difficulties, never fails to keep everyone's spirits high.