Lions Who Would Defy a God
Release Date
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Buffs at max level
Unit Effects
Increase Acquired JP (50%) - sub : (50%)
Party Effects
Increase Acquired AP (50%) - sub : (40%)
Activated only on quest map
Increase Nether Beast killer (25) - sub : (12)
 The Kingdom of Leonis is a small realm, caught between two major powers to the east and west. However, it has managed to avoid invasion by either power and cling to its independence thanks to a powerful ring, an ancient relic that it alone possesses. Even an army of ten thousand men cannot ignore the threat of a small division that is able to appear at will anywhere on the battlefield. The ring was a gift of the Winged One, given to Galack Leonis generations before Oelde, the current king of Leonis. But the price for the gift was a terrible promise. King Oelde and his queen Helena are committed to a pact with a god, one which they cannot bear to uphold.
They talked and talked, trying to find a way out of the terrible dilemma, and have at last decided to trust the light of hope they see in their sons―even if it means falling afoul of a god.