Resisting Despair
Release Date
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Buffs at max level
Unit Effects
Increase ATK (10%) - sub : (5%)
Increase AOE Resistance (10) - sub : (3)
Increase light ATK (10) - sub : (5)
Increase HP (10%) - sub : (8%)
Party Effects
Increase slash ATK (42) - sub : (21)
Reduce magical damage taken the larger the attack area size (16%) - sub : (4%)
Increase slash resistance (20%) - sub : (10%)
Activated only on arena map
Increase reaction block rate (24) - sub : (16)
 Having seen the overwhelming threat that is the «Realmscourge» with their own eyes, Lilyth and Adelard were on the brink of despair. The two had never waivered in their will to fight no matter what stood before them, but now, their spirits were about to break. And yet, in the midst of despair, Mont and his hope stood defiant in the face of the «Realmscourge». Witnessing such a sight before them, the two steadied their resolve and rose to their feet once more.

Tension clung to the air of the war council, and the silence was palpable the moment Lilyth and Adelard made their entrance. The eyes of the pair, sunken with despair but moments ago, were now ablaze. Lilyth nodded with conviction in agreement to the plan Adelard laid before the council, instilling hope in the hearts of the soldiers once more.
It was not yet time to resign oneself to fate. So long as they draw breath, they would fight against it—for Ardra's future.