Trove of Knowledge
Release Date
Updated Date
Buffs at max level
Unit Effects
Increase HP (5%) - sub : (4%)
Increase Single target Resistance (10) - sub : (3)
Increase slash ATK (20) - sub : (10)
Party Effects
Increase AGI (18%) - sub : (9%)
Increase Acquired AP (40%) - sub : (32%)
Increase elemental chain resistance (30) - sub : (21)
Activated only on arena map
Increase slash resistance (12%) - sub : (6%)
 A rare library, brimming with precious tomes from all manner of worlds. Returning to this trove of knowledge inside the castle on the Farplane was Astrius and Dario, led by an eager Eurika. There was no time to peruse at their leisure during their first visit, but this brief moment of respite now may be the only time that they can do so without guilt. Dario's eyes narrowed gleefully as he gazed up upon the tall bookcases. Away from Eurika and Astrius, who were busy sorting through history books, he glides his fingers gently across a shelf containing texts from his home that would have otherwise been lost. Though these tomes cannot be taken outside of the castle, the valuable information they contain will surely be carried to the right places at the right time by Eurika or another. Feeling as though he caught a faint glimpse into the future that he otherwise would not be able to see, Dario smiled contentedly.