Savage King's Helm
Recurrent event
Release Date
Updated Date
Equipment Stats
Min 36 1 0
Max 500 20 2
Stats for +1
Max 700 22 2
Equippable jobs
Passive Effects at max level/upgrade
Condition :
Increase earth ATK (15) for self
Increase DEF (15) for self
Increase chance of being targeted (5) for self
Increase AOE Resistance (10) for self
Increase slash resistance (10%) for self
Increase critical evasion (20) for self
When Muraga was thirteen, the small village in which he lived was attacked by a gang of brigands infamous in Fennes at the time. The gang was led by a powerful warrior whom Muraga fought in order to protect his home. Muraga stood victorious after their battle to the death, claiming this helm worn by the brigand—his first kill. It was far too large for Muraga's small frame, but he would go on to wear it throughout countless bloody battles. Time passed and Muraga grew to become a gargantuan figure, but even on the day he assumed rulership of Fennes, the great helm's golden glow was no less lustrous than when he first claimed it.